Amanat Eye Hospital Islamabad

Auqaf Building, Street 61, F-7/4 F 7/4 F-7, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory 44000 , Islamabad
Islamabad, Federal capital area, Pakistan, 44000
1 of 5 0 Reviews


1958, the year when Amanat Eye Hospital opened its doors for public, at Rawalpindi. The first private eye hospital of the city. As we moved step by step, staying abreast with the latest technology of the field, we marked our presence and our foot print for others to follow. Today we stand in our realm with a crown on our head, cherishing every accomplishment with a pride and with humility for we owe it to our patients.

Amanat Eye Hospital Islamabad
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Business Type : Service Provider
Size : Medium Scale
Entity : Private Limited

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